Quality & safety of raw materials

Secure natural raw materials, from plant and biotechnological origin

Whether of plant or biotechnology origin, every raw material is subjected to rigorous selection and very strict contract conditions that comply with international cosmetic regulations and biodiversity legislation.

Using its experience in mastering nature, SILAB has a team of 6 people in its natural raw materials reference laboratory. At the heart of product flows, its principal mission is to secure natural materials to be used both for manufacturing operations of existing products and for future developments of active ingredients.

This is done by conducting identification and characterization studies in order to guarantee the quality and compliance of all batches of natural materials received. This team is also responsible for making suppliers aware of the requirements of SILAB’s contract conditions in an attempt to increase the acceptance rate of batches analyzed. This process is effective, since the batches accepted has increased from 53% in 2013 to 73% in 2023.

SILAB has set up a transversal strategy combining several areas of expertise in order to ensure the botanical authenticity of its raw materials and so avoid any risk of adulteration or contamination.