Controlling energy consumptions
Published on 3/7/2023
Updated on 4/12/2024
Energy issues are at the core of current challenges. Controlling the energy consumptions of companies are central issues of major importance. SILAB is conscious of its role and for several years has worked on reducing its consumptions in the context of a dynamic of continuous improvement.
Combating global warming, therefore promoting energy sobriety, is an issue that SILAB has been addressing for a number of years.
A precise objective
The goal of SILAB’s Actively Caring program is a 10% reduction of energy consumption for the manufacture of one product unit compared with 2019.
A dedicated team
A team of three people (two of which have undergone “energy consultant” training) created from Environment, Projects and Maintenance services works every day to ensure that the actions put into place to optimize on-site consumptions are carried out correctly.
The team acts in several areas, including energy recuperation, installing insulation, optimizing refrigeration units and the compressed air generation station, lighting and heating, etc.
Substantial investments
From 2020 to 2022, SILAB has implemented an energy savings program to the tune of 3 million euros. This shows the company’s desire to act and be in a dynamic of continuous improvement to limit its consumptions and its impact on the environment.
- €3 M invested for energy savings (2020-2022)

Energy recuperation from refrigeration units

SILAB is expanding, there are new building extensions, new equipment appears and there are more and more refrigeration units. A considerable recuperation project has been carried out in this context in order to adapt utilities to the inclusion of new technologies.
The aim is to replace ice-water production units by a single higher performance unit. A specific system recuperates calories from the unit to preheat domestic hot water and softened water for three production units.
This project also replaced the refrigerant fluids of refrigeration units with a fluid having a much more limited impact on the environment.
This initiative is explained in a video by Pierre Forman, SILAB’s environment manager: Actively Caring - focus on an energy initiative - YouTube
Steps taken for compressed air
Since 2021, steps have been taken to save energy at the compressed air unit; this stored energy is used to operate machines, equipment or industrial processes.
Replacing a compressed air distributor and the reduction of system working pressure have resulted in a 3% reduction in the site’s electricity consumption in 2022. The search for leaks and the acquisition of an ultrasonic detector to quantify them have prevented the loss of 30,000 m3 of air.