Code of conduct: principles, rules and commitments

Published on 5/24/2024

SILAB has chosen to formalize the fundamental values to be promoted through the implementation of this Code of conduct, which involves all its stakeholders. 

All companies of the SILAB group have access to this document. The Management board is committed to regularly monitoring the information and/or questions raised by this Code of conduct to analyze the risks identified, establish an action plan and promote good practices to its employees and suppliers. 

Discover the commitments made by the company in its Code of conduct: 

Responsible conduct of business

With employees

Comply with all labor law regulations in the territories where SILAB operates 

Guaranteeing health and safety in the workplace, decent and competitive pay, access to training, respect for diversity and professional equality 

Fostering dialogue with employees 

With customers 

Demonstrate transparency regarding the safety, quality, efficacy and traceability of its products 

Guarantee product compliance with manufacturing and marketing standards   

Comply with current industry standards and customs regulations 


With suppliers and service providers 

Demonstrate due diligence in partnerships 

Prefer balanced, long-term relationships   

Ensure competitive bidding whenever possible 

With competitors 

Ensure that innovation is the only driver of competition 

Prohibit any competitive strategy based on infringement of intellectual property rights or misappropriation of know-how 

Ethical conduct

Human rights

Respect human dignity, fundamental human rights related to the protection of workers and child labor 

Protect personal data by ensuring their security 


Preserve integrity in business relations: exemplary behavior in terms of ethics and transparency for all stakeholders 

Provide anti-corruption resources: financial transparency, internal control, awareness-raising, alert systems, etc. 


Maintain a high level of innovation to meet customer needs and stay at the forefront of research 

Conduct research activities with scientific integrity 

Select research partners on the basis of scientific expertise in line with the company's innovation projects 


Ensure that the use of information technology meets the strict needs of the business and complies with ethical standards 

Sustainable conduct

Business continuity plan 

Implement a robust business continuity plan 

Ensure business continuity under difficult conditions 

Protecting material and immaterial assets 

Preserve business assets for the longevity of the company 

Protect information with a cybersecurity organization 

Guarantee the protection of brands, patents and know-how 


Apply a responsible environmental policy to the entire product life cycle and to the operation of its production site 

Control water consumption with a dedicated action plan 

Promote energy sobriety through an energy savings program 

Prioritize waste recycling and energy recovery 

Implement a responsible purchasing policy for all raw materials in France and abroad 

Raise awareness among all employees and suppliers 


Consult the SILAB Code of conduct